Webinar Recap: Key Insights on RTSM Onboarding Strategies

By: Vincent Puglia, RTSM Strategy | Community Director Introduction:  Onboarding is vital for the smooth conduct of clinical trials in today’s dynamic environment. In a recent Veeva RTSM webinar, we explored the details of an onboarding model that demonstrates excellent sponsor oversight. This method simplifies the onboarding process and enables all stakeholders to perform well …

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Facilitating Dose Escalation/Early Phase Studies

Introduction A main goal of Phase 1 trials is to establish the recommended dose and/or dosing regimen of new drugs for efficacy testing in Phase 2 trials, using a detailed and monitored dose escalation process. To reach this endpoint, study designs will have many components of this process outlined in the protocol, including starting dose/regimen, …

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Using Authorization Codes to Control Protocol Deviations

Introduction As Sponsors look to leverage technology in clinical trials to help maintain and control adherence to the design, methodology and all aspects of a protocol, they are often left with only two functionality options to control protocol deviations. They can leverage Soft Stop functionality where a warning message is shown, providing information that may …

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3 Takeaways from CTS Europe

I recently attended the Clinical Trial Supply Europe conference with my colleagues  Romain Arnaud, Glen Fisher, and Jennifer England. It was wonderful to connect with both familiar and new faces on a whole host of clinical supply topics. The team had so many thoughts and ideas coming out of this that it was difficult to …

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RTSM Challenges: Overcoming the Old and Anticipating the New

Current Challenges In a recent webinar, we asked the audience to highlight the challenges they have with randomization and trial management in their clinical trials. The word cloud below was generated as the participants entered their challenges verbatim. These are issues that have plagued the RTSM space for decades: integrations, help desk issues, study updates, …

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Can I move an existing study to Veeva RTSM?

As an RTSM partner, Veeva RTSM works with sponsors and CROs to implement our solution for new studies. Sometimes, however, we are called on to help with unique scenarios involving studies that have already begun recruitment, such as the following: The study started collecting RTSM data in a simple solution (maybe even Excel), but the …

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Veeva Celebrates 16 years of RTSM Studies

Though this is the first year since Veeva acquired Veracity Logic to form Veeva RTSM, the team and system have a 16-year history of successfully partnering with sponsors and CRO’s, helping them simplify subject management, randomization, and trial supply. The system is fast, intuitive, and complete – its modular and highly configurable design system allows …

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In their own words: The Veeva team describes Summit 2022

The Veeva Summit is a customer-focused conference where industry leaders can join to share best practices around the implementation and use of Veeva Products. This year was the Veeva RTSM team’s first Summit experience.  We asked them how it went, and here is what they said about their experience:    What was your impression of …

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Veeva introduces Veeva RTSM during EU Summit

I’ve just attended my first in-person Veeva EU Summit event. It was inspiring to see the energy, enthusiasm, and passion from the Veeva customers and my colleagues in Zurich. Jim Reilly, VP of Development, Veeva Cloud Strategy, introduced Veeva RTSM to the audience during the opening keynote session. That kicked off the incredible flurry of …

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